If you access the internet with a Proxy it's necessary to make the following changes ion the Multicert Remote Sign app and in the Adobe Reader.
On Multicert Remote Sign app, please follow these steps:
- on the app go to Definitions [Definições]
- Please check the option Use the System Proxy Configurations (Utilizar as configurações de proxy do Sistema)
- Please check the option Use the System Proxy Configurations (Utilizar as configurações de proxy do Sistema)
- Click on Save [Gravar]
next to Back [Voltar]
- Click on Save [Gravar]
On the Adobe Reader, please follow these steps:
- go to Edit and then Preferences
- Choose the option Internet and click on Internet Settings
- On the window Properties [Propriedades] click on LAN Definitions [Definições de LAN]
- Check if the option Use a proxy server for the local network [Utilizar um servidor de proxy para a rede local] is selected and complete the IP adress information
- Click OK