To unlock your Token or Smartcard you'll need the software Safenet Authentication Client Tools installed. See here how to install it.
To unlock please follow these steps:
- Open the software Safenet Authentication Client Tools and press the botton Advanded View
- On the left site press the mouse right button and choose the option Set Token PIN
- Insert the Administrator PIN or PIN ADMIN that was sent by SMS to your phone
- Insert the new PIN and Confirm the PIN introducing it twice
- Click OK
- If the PIN is unlocked you'll see this message PIN changed
- If the message Incorrect PIN appears it means you haven't inserted the correct ADMIN PIN
- The number of remaining retries will be showned on the bottom of the window
- The following warning message will appear, if you click Cancel you will have a retrie remaining.
- If you click ok the message The token is locked due to several logon attempts appears it means that the ADMIN PIN has been locked and for security reasons it can't be unlocked. A new Certificate must be issued.